
Easvara Hospital

Call : +91 8637483636
Mail : Easvarahospital@gmail.com
Address : 1-B, Perumal Koil St, Tallakulam, Madurai.


Neurologist Treatments

“Discover expert care for neurological conditions at Easvara Hospital . Our neurologists offer personalized treatments and cutting-edge solutions, guiding you to better brain health with compassion and expertise.”

  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Movement disorders
  • Neurological infections
  • Peripheral neuropathy

Tips & Info

Medication Compliance: “Be sure to take your prescribed medications exactly as directed. Skipping doses or stopping medication abruptly can disrupt your treatment plan and worsen your symptoms.” Symptom Tracking: “Keep a diary or journal to track your symptoms, including their frequency, severity, and any triggers you notice. This information will help us tailor your treatment plan more effectively.” Healthy Lifestyle: “Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. These factors can positively impact your overall brain health.” Safety Precautions: “If your condition affects your mobility or coordination, take precautions to prevent falls or accidents. Remove hazards from your environment and consider using assistive devices as needed.” Follow-Up Visits: “Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so we can monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as necessary, and address any concerns you may have.” Treatment Expectations: “Understand that managing neurological conditions often requires patience and persistence. Improvement may not happen overnight, but with time and adherence to treatment, we can work towards better outcomes.” Educational Resources: “Take advantage of reliable educational resources to learn more about your condition and available treatments. Knowledge empowers you to be an active participant in your healthcare journey.” Emergency Preparedness: “Know when to seek emergency medical attention and have a plan in place for managing unexpected complications related to your condition. Keep emergency contact information easily accessible.” Open Communication: “Don’t hesitate to ask questions or express concerns during our appointments. Your input is valuable in tailoring your treatment plan to best suit your needs and preferences.” Support Network: “Build a support network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who can provide emotional support and practical assistance as needed. You don’t have to face your neurological condition alone.”

We have imbeded a sprit of providing Quality Health care to the people in Madurai. Our Hospital has got ISO 9001 2008 Certificate. The certification body of TUV SUD South Asia Private Ltd., certify our hospital for providing a quality health care services in various department.

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